05 November 2009

Problems! Problems!

I have to admit a bit of surprise when this popped up in response to my wanting information on viewing instant movies on netflix:

I personally consider myself a citizen of the world and this is an affront to my vie sans frontiers lifestyle.

Of course, I would prefer my culture to flow from Europe to the US rather than the other way around.

Which it is as I am downloading Spooks (AKA MI-5 to the Septics) 8 Episode 1 and Episode 2 of Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain (Road to War) from the BBC iPlayer website. Marr's show is absolutely fascinating even though it is far more lefty than I am these days.

After having suffered through the last two Seasons of Spooks, I'll give it a view on iPlayer before making a commit.

Nothing like a transatlantic Tivo to get me the type of viewing I really want!