19 November 2009

New York State of Mind

I'm listening to Norah Jones's "Back to Manhattan" and wondering what is it with New York City that it captures people's imagination?

Seriously? I was in Fort Monmouth for 3 month and used to go there pretty much every weekend. I would notice that I would be short $100 as soon as the train entered the tunnel under the Hudson. I would go insane within 5 hours and get out.

There is no way I could handle the place for more than a weekend.

I'll make no bones about it that I prefer London, or even being in Paris, to New York. And saying I would rather be in Paris than New York tells you that NYC is theeighth circle of hell in my opinion.

Still, I have a NY playlist full of songs about the place. In balance i should mention that I also have a London playlist, about 5 different England playlists, and a Northern Soul Playlist.

New York is not America, yet people think of it as being such. So go figure?