Honey's real place was in my left arm. Not to mention she would snore. Of course, having her there with me snoring away would be really great. I've always missed our naps together. Laci tends to curl up or put her butt near my face. Honey would put her head on my shoulder. Actually, she would even lie on her back like a human. It would be so comfortable to hear her snoring away right now.
Despite all that dreaming about having Honey back, there is the reality of having two dogs in my life. The major one being the logistics of carrying two dogs in a bag when I go out. Much better that one if I had someone who was a dog lover as a life partner instead of the crazy cat lady.
The reality is that Laci loves being an only dog, which I am pretty sure Honey did as well. Honey despite her apparently sweet nature could be a real bitch (as my dog friends pointed out "they don't call them that for nothing!"). I remember when Laci met Honey and Laci growled at Honey. I said, "Hey, Laci be nice to the old bitch!"
Not that there isn't a part of me who wouldn't mind having Laci, Honey, and Dhyanna back in my life. But I remember how Honey and Dhyanna could fight, which is why Dhyanna went away. I asked Virginia what do I do about Dhyanna. The answer was almost euthanasia, but ended up being almost as bad that Dhyanna was taken to Morris Animal Shelter. Dhyanna was immediately adopted and I visited her at Morris. Dhyanna was glad to see me. I know she knew she was going to a new home, but she was glad to see me. She knew I saved her life.
Anyway, I don't think I could have more than one dog in my life, but it doesn't stop me from missing my old pals and thinking about us being together again.