09 March 2008

RKBA and Anti-semitism

Bob Levy is old enough to remember anti-Semitism. Hell, you don't need to be that old since a Temple University kid was beaten up for being Jewish within the last week. That's in Philadelphia which has a pretty large Jewish population.

On the other hand, he is not savvy enough to realise who he is getting into bed with. The RKBA crowd tends to like to talk inclusivity, but I keep seeing a video of a klan member saying "don't let them take away your guns". The logic was that the minorities, Jews and Blacks, will ruin the United States as they knew it.

Gun control is a tool of the culture war. And the right likes using fear of crime and minorities and government's lack of ability to "protect you" as a tool of control. And even though JFPO comes up pretty high if you google "jews gun control" it doesn't take long until you find something like this:


Better yet, check out these posts:


Now, Bob, are you ready for the backlash if your little gamble fails? Is Alan Gura also a Jew? Judge Laurence H. Silberman was the author of this piece which is getting US Supreme Court attention. Now, doesn't this play into the hands of those who want to put fear of Jews into people's minds? The last blog entry shows my fears are justified.

Of course, it might be a Catholic, or more, who will stand up for the "collective right"/militia enabling interpretation. Don't forget that Catholics have been victims of prejudice as well. I mean, the US should be proud that Kennedy was president after all.

Bob, for all your bravado, are you certain that you will really prevail when the arguments you present were previously rejected by Justice Alito in US v. Rybar, 103 F.3d 273 (3d Cir. 1996)? In fact, with the exception of two opinions, the courts in this country have held that the Second Amendment only applies to the militia, that is the body organised under Article I, Section 8, and its direct activities.

Now, Bob I know you don't own a gun. I can probably guess that you've never been to a gun show either. I am not sure how you would react to all the Nazi regalia you would see them and books like the "Turner Diaries". Ever read that one, Bob? You should if you haven't. That book was the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing, Lots of the guns for criminals crowd say that type of thing will happen if the Court finds against them.

And they claim to be law abiding!

The world is a scary place, Bob, and you are helping make it scarier. Head you lose, tails they win. What will the body count rise to if the Personal right is affirmed? Where will that lead? There are 2255 petitions from federal prisoners and other challenges to severe federal gun sentences that will flood lower courts if the Supreme Court issues a broad Second Amendment ruling.

On the other hand, what will the RKBA crowd say if the Collective right is affirmed? Remember you are in cahoots with some serious right wing crazies.

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