27 March 2008
More on Justice Scalia's comment about Scottish arms.
The 1746 Act of Proscription (19 Geo. 2, c. 39) banned more than just Scottish arms, it banned wearing of the Kilt. Of course, had the Scotsman been loyal to King George the Second, AKA the Kraut, they were still able to wear the kilt and bear arms (e.g., the Black Watch). It was basically an extension of the Dress Act of 1746 (19 George II, Chap. 39, Sec. 17, 1746).
Anyway, what brought this about was that I was thinking about the fact that Highlanders never wore the kilt when they fought. No, I am not joking. As one friend pointed out, just think about a few hundred highlanders chasing you with swords and no kilt on. Part of the reason for their success, I bet you'd run too if you were being chased by THAT!
I wish I had known Justice Scalia would ask questions about this. If I had I would have liked to have argued the case wearing formal highland dress. This is especially true since my family were Jacobites.
"Justice Scalia, the British had reasons for barring the highlanders and Catholics from bearing arms. This was due to the Jacobite Risings by the Highlanders between 1689 and 1746 where they attempted to restore the Stuart Monarchy. The Catholics were seen to be working against the established order due to religious wars, e.g., the Civil War."
Anyway, I have attached a picture of me bearing arms. In this case, it is a two handed claymore sword. I was holding a targe and claymore broadsword in the previous post on this topic. So, I have nothing against "keeping and bearing arms" as long as it is within a well regulated militia, such as my Pennsylvania Loyalist Highlanders.
One does not "bear arms" for private purposes. One bears them for the common defence. I bear my arms in service of my monarch: Queen Elizabeth the First (She's the First in Scotland).
The state has an interest in seeing who bears arms and that they don't bear arms in detriment of public order.
When one takes off the kilt though, one is baring something totally different.
act of proscription,
bearing arms,
highland dress,
Second Amendment